
To install the docker image please use

docker run fellowconsulting/inforion

Dockerhub Link

Prefect.IO UI.

In our docker container we use Prefect for the UI to dispaly the Workflows

For example start the docker container

Before you start check if you have created a conf directory. In the directory you should have following files:

  • Mapping_Kundenstamm.xlsx

  • credentials.yml

  • IONAPI Key File

  • module_dependencies.csv

  • modules.csv

Start on Mac or Linux

docker run -v $PWD/conf:/ion-workflow/conf  fellowconsulting/inforion flow  -b /ion-workflow/conf -c credentials.yml -m modules.csv -d module_dependencies.csv

Start on Windows

docker run -v %cd%/conf:/ion-workflow/conf  fellowconsulting/inforion flow  -b /ion-workflow/conf -c credentials.yml -m modules.csv -d module_dependencies.csv

Uprade to Latest Build

docker pull fellowconsulting/inforion:latest